Photographer/ Filmmaker Ingeborg Suzanne Hardman spent the last several months in production producing a short film “Speaking Silks an Odyssey.” The entire filming and photography was shot on Heritage Playhouse Theatre stage. The black staging gave the silks a tone enriching the fanciful abstract scenes. Hardman, “It was important for me to enhance the ethereal quality of the silks in the short film. I struggled with showing both the strength of the imagery and the whimsy of the silks movement. It took a lot of time finding the right balance” The results are transitions, pans and zooms seamlessly stitched together with light leaks created in Photodex, ProShow Producer.

The music for the visuals was created by Lawson's friend and Sunshine Coast resident, composer Christopher Bernetchez. Hardman, “The nature sounds and the haunting flute crescendos weaving in and out of the visuals enhanced the films ethereal quality however, I wanted the viewer to have a more spiritual experience. This is when I decided to add a voice. I needed a voice that had a deep full tone to read poetry scribed on the silk banners.” I remembered hearing Dale Wilson readings at my neighbor’s home Mike McMillan musician/sound technician. Dales voice was exactly what I needed to complete the film. Hardman, “When the hairs on the back of our neck tingled both Pauline and myself knew our collaboration was a creative success.”

Hardman, “It has been a great honour to work with such a talented cast of artists. Pauline has been perfecting her artistry for over 30 years. The collection of 9 silk banners are looking for a home. We believe there is someone in the universe that has a grand enclosure looking for 9 silk banners. Please help us unite them by sharing the short film, Silks Speaking an Odyssey.” For more information go to